Sell without selling as an Engineer

1 min readDec 23, 2022

I worked a long time in consulting, and while my job was never sales I ended up driving a lot of revenue.

Here’s why…

There’s different ways of selling. There’s the pushy, annoying sales where people bombard you with their product and beg you to get on calls. And then there’s sales that come from a natural curiosity and desire to solve a problem for others.

If you understand someone’s problem better than they do, and they know it, and you don’t make them feel bad or stupid about it, then when you tell them you can help solve it… they listen.

There’s no need to “sell” anything. You just provide solutions and options. Those solutions might have a price tag, but not solving the problem is also costly. Is the solution cheaper? Well then it’s a pretty easy choice.

As an engineer, I would work with people and do this natually.

Be smart, honest, and helpful. Look for ways to make their life better, and you’ll get rewarded.

#software #solutionsarchitect #consulting

